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COVID-19 Protocol and Procedures

Updated on May 15, 2024

The following protocol and procedures are established to ensure the safety of all members of the Destiny Intercultural Academy (DIA) community.


Baseline Protocol

  • If unwell, well-fitting masks (preferably of the KF94 or KN95 variety) must be worn at all times while at the school premises

  • Hand-washing and use of hand sanitizers must be done frequently

  • Eligible individuals must be vaccinated (at least the first dose) in order to attend in-person learning

  • Air purifiers are available in Learning Centers


If anyone in the school community is exhibiting symptoms…

Step 1: The individual will be quarantined in an enclosed room until he/she is able to return home where he/she will be able to isolate


Step 2: Take the PCR test. If the result is negative, he/she must stay home until symptoms have disappeared. If the result is positive, consult the action plan below.


If anyone in the school community is a close contact of someone who tested positive…

Step 1: Inform the school of the date in which the first contact occurred.


Step 2: Stay at home and continue to monitor symptoms.

If the individual has no symptoms for five days after the initial contact… take the antigen test. If the result is negative, the individual may return to school.

If the individual has symptoms… take the PCR test. If the result is negative, he/she must stay home until symptoms have disappeared. If the result is positive, consult the action plan below.


If anyone in the school community tested positive…

Step 1: The individual must stay at home and isolate. Inform the school of the date in which initial symptoms first appeared (if he/she has symptoms) or if he/she is asymptomatic, the date of the positive PCR test.


Step 2: All individuals with close contact will be informed and a PCR test will be strongly recommended. If the result is negative and are exhibiting no symptoms, the individual is able to return to the school premises.                

Step 3: Individuals with COVID-19 must stay at home and isolate.

If the individual has no symptoms… isolation can end after 14 days.


If the individual has symptoms… take the PCR test again after 14 days. If the result is positive and symptoms persist, continue to isolate until symptoms disappear.


The protocol above was developed based on recommendations of medical professionals and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Contact Us

Destiny Intercultural Academy

Jl. Sidomukti No. 90 Sukaluyu

Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung

West Java, Indonesia - 40123

p: +62 8121 8548 498

e: info.destinyintercultural(at)

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