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Together ForEaster

On March 23, students celebrated Easter with everyone at the Rumah Kasih Karunia Orphanage.

The worship team consisting of Reilana Lexa Koswara (Level 12), Chelsea Silalahi (Level 11), Ravaela Elaine Marcelli (Level 6), and Aleina Bhydarri Andramathea (Level 5) led everyone to praise and worship the Lord. The worship was extra special as it was a collaboration with the students at Rumah Kasih Karunia Orphanage too!

Mr. Peter Yanuar from CLCC church came to bless everyone with a sermon about the good news of Jesus' sacrifice for us. Then it was time for performances!

The Elementary Dance CCA students - Ethanael Joel Sugianto (Level 3), Myron Tito Hutagalung (Level 3), Ethan Harell Soewandi (Level 2), Obey Jejireh Pasaribu (Level 1), and Cherissa Rayhanna (Level 6) - performed a fun dance routine.

This was followed by the Vocal CCA students' - Shiloh Charity (Level 4), Eleanor Agneya Daton (Level 3), Aleina Bhydarri Andramathea (Level 5), Aimee Rose Marcelli (Level 3), Ravaela Elaine Marcelli (Level 6), and Val Moses Daniel (Level 5) - special performances of You Are My All in All and A Child's Prayer.

The Rumah Kasih Karunia Orphanage also prepared amazing performances with their violins and singing!

It was then time for various fun games!

The proceeds from the Easter Makes Easier fundraiser were given to Rumah Kasih Karunia before Coach Ojak led everyone in prayer before lunch.

It was an afternoon filled with warmth and love as we got to know one another and strengthened our love for Christ.


Contact Us

Destiny Intercultural Academy

Jl. Sidomukti No. 90 Sukaluyu

Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung

West Java, Indonesia - 40123

p: +62 8121 8548 498

e: info.destinyintercultural(at)

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Southern Cross Educational Enterprise


Accelerated Christian Education

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