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Clean Up Day, Merit Shop Day, and Ice Cream Day

June 7, 2023, was an important day as it was the day students cleaned their office, spent their money merits at the Merit Shop, and traded their ice cream stickers with real ice cream.

The day began with cleaning their offices and Learning Centers until they were spiffy clean.

This semester's festivities centered around classic after-school snacks, such as es puter, tahu bulat, and telur gulung. We invited street vendors to park their carts and allow students to make purchases with their money merits. It was a new experience for the students.


Contact Us

Destiny Intercultural Academy

Jl. Sidomukti No. 90 Sukaluyu

Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung

West Java, Indonesia - 40123

p: +62 8121 8548 498

e: info.destinyintercultural(at)

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Southern Cross Educational Enterprise


Accelerated Christian Education

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