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Destiny Intercultural Academy (DIA)’s Teachers and Students' Day Out in Lembang

by Jessy Manuelle Langi (Level 11) and Darren Frayson Immanuel Sardi (Level 10) with support from Selina Adelina Soewandi (Level 8)

On July 26th until the 27th, all the students and teachers of Destiny Intercultural Academy (DIA) went to Cottonwood Villa, Lembang, for a day out. The students had sessions to learn more about God, and did activities and played games to get to know and bond with each other.

The day started with ice breaking games where students and teachers learned of each other's names. Then the first session, separated by the levels of the students, continued with some team-based games. Students of various levels competed as one group and went against each other in a friendly competition. The team games also continued to the pool before everyone had some free time to swim. After the water or pool games, everyone enjoyed lunch.

The Upper Class students (Level 7 - 12) and teachers stayed for more activities, sessions, and a sleepover, while the Elementary students went home at 2 PM. Although the time spent together was short, everyone learned something new about God and their friends.

"It was very wet, I like that we stayed up late and played in the pool,“ said the Level 7 student Ravaela Elaine Marcelli.

A teacher also shared her opinion, “Tiring, but fun and I learned a lot of things,“ stated the Upper Class teacher, Ms. Dini Suci Lestari.

For more pictures of the event, click here.


Contact Us

Destiny Intercultural Academy

Jl. Sidomukti No. 90 Sukaluyu

Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung

West Java, Indonesia - 40123

p: +62 8121 8548 498

e: info.destinyintercultural(at)

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